Jose Castillo Devlog Week#2

This week I made a lot of progress with the art,  last Saturday we discussed that it would be better to convert all 2D assets to 3D. I think this was the right call because the game will look way better now,  also Otero told me it's easier to work with 3D assets in unity. One problem we faced is that the walls and tiles are way to big for the current level, and some resizing needs to be done to make the level look aesthetically pleasing. Other reason why I wanted to make the assets 3D is that it makes the  game have  natural shadows because in 2D, you need to draw the shadows to have a sense from where light its coming from. I talked with Victor and he told me to draw decorations for the levels, like tables, chairs, or other kind of equipment found in slaughterhouses, this will get rid of the emptiness  and make the player feel like he's in a actual slaughterhouse.

Things that need to be done:

make the butcher for displaying purposes(menu screen)

make more decorations for each level.

resize tiles, and walls to make the game look better.

make the pig with the seven cuts( this will display how many lives you have left)

Above you can see the progress I've made so far.


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